SDE Feature Class
Bastrop County, City of Bastrop, City of Elgin, City of Smithville, City of Austin, City of Mustang Ridge, Village of Webberwood, Texas, Subdivision, Review
This feature class represents the approximate subdivision review boundaries. This data has been created to support Bastrop County, the Cities of Austin, Bastrop, Elgin, and Smitville, and the Village of Webberville subdivision review processes.
Updates occur as needed. Modified 2/5/2019
Bastrop County Information Technology - GIS Division 804 Pecan Street Bastrop, TX 78602 512-581-4050
There are no access and use limitations for this item.
West | -97.656619 | East | -97.012026 |
North | 30.425515 | South | 29.779540 |
Maximum (zoomed in) | 1:5,000 |
Minimum (zoomed out) | 1:500,000 |
Bastrop County Information Technology - GIS Division 804 Pecan Street Bastrop, TX 78602 512-581-4050
Internal feature number.
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Feature geometry.
Coordinates defining the features.
Dataset copied.